Happy Thursday Everyone!
Well I figured I’d post a quick update because I always weigh the least on Thursdays. Today I got on the scale and almost all of my Florida Vacation weight dropped off. I was 244.5 lbs this morning. That’s really great but we have an upcoming weekend filled with things like Easter and family gatherings.
What I’m doing
Well I’m still doing this carb cycle thing where I completely limit my carbs and eat low calorie Monday – Wednesday. I’m very impressed how well this is working out for me. I do end up feeling kind of crappy with low energy by the time Wednesday night roles around.
I cant keep this up all week because life comes into play. The easiest days for me to structure my meals are these days because its the beginning of the work week and we rarely have plans. We can do all our food shopping and planning on Sunday. Its so much easier when everything’s already in the house and you know what your going to eat. Im really not suffering and happy with my food choices.
Ever wonder why Thursdays are sabotage? I haven’t mentioned this but we do a weekly dinner at my Grandmothers. She cooks really rich food and it always kills me!
Ideas of what I’m eating
If you looked at my MFP diary you’d see that I eat tons of quick snacks and pretty small or limited meals.
- I bought a ton of beef jerky
- Lots of Nuts
- Polly-O Stings Cheese
- Fresh Mozzarella Cheese
- Most of the time I skip breakfast otherwise-
- Scrambled Eggs
- Coffee
I can get pretty creative with my lunches. Having easy to heat up frozen stuff in the house keeps me on track.
- Turkey Meatballs
- Turkey Burgers
- Salad
- Salad with Tuna
- Omelet with cheese
Dinner I get a little creative and I try to eat mostly protein and get in my vegetables. I try to really mix it up because its my main meal for the day. Here’s some ideas.
- Chicken Breast
- Chicken Thighs
- Fish
- Pork Chops
- Steak
- Spaghetti Squash
- Acorn Squash
- Salad
- Tomatoes with Fresh Mozzarella
This is at least the stuff I’ve been eating recently. I know some of these arent the healthiest options but I’ve been so busy lately. If I really need fast food I have the options of Chinese Takeout, Greek Salads or the quickest Boston Market. Usually I get whatever I want at Boston Market but the sides are important. Eat the creamed spinach and green beans and do your best to skip the corn bread!
I’m still keeping my calories below 1650 or around. This is pretty simple!
Check out last nights dinner!

Baked Chicken Thighs & Spaghetti Squash