Another weekend to sabotage my progress. Maybe if I switch my weigh-in dates to Thursday mornings Id be happier with the results. Its all basically relative because the goal is to weigh less all the time.
Start of Week #8 Official Weight – 247.5
Weeks Summary
That’s not terrible and its nothing great but I was more than 0.5lb down from the week before. The other good part is that I’m getting under that 250 mark and hope I don’t see that come around again.
I failed at my 3 week diet challenge but it doesn’t mean I’m a total failure. Starting today I’m going to kick it up again and do my best to eat clean and healthy. The gym has really been hard to get back to but I did Friday. It was torture and I forgot how much it sucks running on that treadmill. I did a full hour but couldn’t run the whole first mile in the beginning and most of the hour was spent fast walking.
I have two more weeks to try and drop as much as possible before the next vacation. This ones going to be a killer because were going to Orlando for a few days and Amy loves her treats like pancakes and ice cream. Hopefully all the walking around will help fight off some of those extra calories I take in.
I’ve been thinking a lot about switching my fitness to more weigh training. I wont burn the same amount of calories but maybe I can do it more consistently and not be so bored at the gym. Of course these are just thoughts but I really have to get off my ass and get back to the gym.
Treadmill Stats past week
In case your curious what that tough day back at the gym looked like after taking off for a while here are the stats. You can compare them to one of my other treadmill posts when I was really into it HERE.

2 Mile Time

3 Mile Time

Total Workout – 60 Minutes +cool down